Our Industrial Markets

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Life Sciences

  • Chemicals

  • Utilities/Energy

Our Industrial Markets

Life Sciences

Life Sciences is a broad market, including Pharmaceuticals, Bio-Pharmaceuticals, Bio-technology, Cell & Gene Technology,  Micro-Biology, Blood Products, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP's), new Bio-pharmaceutical Diagnostics, and even including specific Food Ingredients, Nutraceuticals and more.


From Engineering to Manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API's) up to medicines (OTC/Generics and Brand Medicines).

Mostly, based upon modern Pharmaceutical Technology and Fine Chemicals Synthesis. 


Engineering and aseptic Manufacturing of Bio-Pharmaceuticals under current Good Manufacturing Practises (cGMP) involve a broad spectrum of Upstream and Downstream Processes and aseptic Fill Finish to produce e.g. Monoclonal Anti Bodies, Vaccines and other Sterile Injectables, Advanced Therapy Medical Products (ATMP's) and many more, resulting in a well controlled broad variety of biopharmaceutical products.


Many fermentation processes are used in upstream manufacturing of high value products, even outside the pharmaceutical sector.

With biotech we also can make Food Ingredients, Raw Materials for Biobased Polymers and many more sustainable products.

Food & Beverages

As part of Life Sciences, we offer a range of specialized services tailored to meet your individual needs within the Food & Beverages Industry.

Many valuable Nutraceuticals and Food Ingredients, besides alcoholic and non-alcoholic Beverages are manufactured.

Utilities / Energy

Our Industrial Markets all do have their specific Utilities.

From Clean Utilities in Pharmaceutical/Biopharmaceutical sector to

Black Utilities for non critical applications, and large scale utilities for Chemicals, Petrochemicals and Energy sector.

Power Generation based upon natural gas (GT/HRSG), bio fuels, renewable resources, as well as phasing out classical fuels in the energy sector, such as oil, coal and lignite.

Carbon Capture 

  • Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)
  • Carbon to Chemicals (C2C)
  • Renewable Hydrogen in C2C


The Chemicals arena involves a broad spectrum: from Basic Inorganics to Organic Chemicals, Agricultural Chemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Coatings; and from Monomers to Polymers; and Industrial Gases.


The broad Petrochemicals Market involves a variety of large capacity manufacturing plants, very much relating to the upstream processes of raw materials manufactured at the Oil Refinery Industry.